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Configuration Settings
If you don't require detailed step-by-step instructions to configure your Internet software to access NetworkRichmond.Com, here are the settings you will need:

Dialer Settings
Protocol: PPP
IP Address: Server assigned (
Hostname: Server assigned
Domain name: Leave Blank - This entry is not needed
DNS (primary): Server Assigned
DNS (secondary): Server Assigned
Username: The username you were given
Password: Your NetworkRichmond.Com password

* Ensure that the NetBEUI and IPX/SPX option boxes under the SERVER tab are cleared (see the below example)
Server Type Window



Outgoing mail (SMTP) Server:
Incoming mail (POP3) Server:
E-mail Address:

Mail Login Information:
Username: Your NetworkRichmond.Com supplied POP mail username (do not add to the end of the username)
Password: Your NetworkRichmond.Com POP mail password (not necessarily the same as dial-up password)
Newsgroup (NNTP) Server:

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How to Find Your IP Address with Windows 95

Make sure you are connected to NetworkRichmond.Com before you try the following procedure.

1. Click the Start button and choose Run.

Start Run Window

2. In the Open text box, type winipcfg

3. Click the OK button.

4. Your IP Address will be displayed in the IP Address text area.

IP Configuration Window

5. Click the OK button to close the IP Configuration window.

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Dial-up Networking


See the detailed instructions provided within this technical support section if you need further detail. The process should be:

1. install Client for Microsoft Networks
2. Install a Dial-up Adapter
3. Install Dial-up Networking
4. Install TCP/IP
5. Installing a New Dial-Up Networking Connection

You will need your setup CD, diskettes, or the setup files which may have been put on your hard drive under C:\windows\options\cabs.

Common Problems and Error Messages:

Error: "Dial-Up Networking could not establish a compatible set of network protocols..."

Normally means that NetBEUI and IPX are checked - check only TCP/IP

Error: "The computer is not receiving a response from the modem"

Would normally indicate Modem trouble

Save Password Checkbox is "Greyed Out" (Unavailable)

Indicates that user did not log in at the Windows prompt or that Microsoft Networking is not properly installed

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Windows 95/98

Add Client for Microsoft Networks

1. Click the Start button point to Settings and choose Control Panel.

Starrt/Control Panel Window

2. Click the Network icon.

Control Panel Window

3. Select the Configuration tab.

4. Click the Add button.

Network Window

5. Select Client.

Network Component Window

6. Click the Add button.

7. From the Manufacturers: list, select Microsoft.

Network Client Window

8. From the Network Clients: list, select Client for Microsoft Networks and click on the OK button

9. Windows 95 will prompt you for your installation diskettes or CD. If the installation files have been installed on your hard disk, you may have them in a directory with the path C:\windows\options\cabs. If not, you will need the CD or diskettes.

10. Several files will be installed. Wait for the Dial-Up Networking installation to finish.

11. You will be asked if you wish to restart your system to activate the changes, click the OK button when any open files you may be using have been closed to prevent losing any of your work.

12 .If your system does not automatically shut-down and restart, Click on the Start button, choose Shut Down and select Restart the computer.

13. Click the Yes button if asked.

14. Wait for Windows 95/98 to restart.

This may take a few minutes.

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Add a Dial-up Adapter

1.Click the Start button point to Settings and choose Control Panel.

2. Click the Network icon.

3. Select the Configuration tab.

4. Click the Add button.

5. Select Adapter.

Network Component Type Window

6. Click the Add button.

7. From the Manufactures: list, choose Microsoft.

8. From the Network Adapters: list, choose Dial-up Adapter. Click OK to exit this screen

Network Adapter Window

9. Windows 95 will prompt you for your installation diskettes or CD. If the installation files have been installed on your hard disk, you may have them in a directory with the path C:\windows\options\cabs. If not, you will need the CD or diskettes.

10. Several files will be installed. Wait for the Dial-Up Networking installation to finish.

11. You will be asked if you wish to restart your system to activate the changes, click the OK button when any open files you may be using have been closed to prevent losing any of your work.

12. If your system does not automatically shut-down and restart, Click on the Start button, choose Shut Down and select Restart the computer.

13. Click the Yes button if asked.

14. Wait for Windows 95/98 to restart.
This may take a few minutes.

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