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Common Problems and Error Messages

"Password Checkbox is Greyed (Unavailable)"

This is one of the most common issues on the Microsoft Windows support lines, and almost always indicates that you either do not have Microsoft Networking properly installed on your system, or that you entered the wrong windows password or skipped the password when prompted.

If you properly logged in, or where not prompted to log in, use the following procedure to check your settings. Different version of Windows 95/98 slightly alter the steps in the following procedure, so please read your screen carefully.

1. Click the Start locate Settings and choose Control Panel.

Starrt/Control Panel Window

2. Double-click the Network icon.

Control Panel Window

3. When the Network window appears, ensure that you have at least the Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up Adapter, and TCP/IP installed and properly configured as indicated earlier on this site. If any protocols are missing, add them. Also please search through the list for TCP/IP being listed more than once. If you have a network card installed, you may see an entry similar to "TCP/IP --> Network Card Name". This means that TCP/IP is bound to the network card. An entry of "TCP/IP --> Dialup Adapter" means that TCP/IP is installed to the dialup adapter. If you have an entry of "NetBEUI --> Dialup Adapter" or "IPX/SPX Compatible --> Dialup Adapter", highlight and remove them. Under normal applications you do not want to bind IPX/SPX or NetBEUI to the dialup adapter. This could certainly cause the error message above.

Network Window

4. Ensure that Client for Microsoft Networks is properly installed.

5. If you make any changes, Windows 95 will prompt you for your installation diskettes or CD. If the installation files have been installed on your hard disk, you may have them in a directory with the path C:\windows\options\cabs. If not, you will need the CD or diskettes.

6. Several files will be installed. Wait for the Dial-Up Networking installation to finish.

7. You will be asked if you wish to restart your system to activate the changes, click the OK button when any open files you may be using have been closed to prevent losing any of your work.

8. If your system does not automatically shut-down and restart, Click on the Start button, choose Shut Down and select Restart the computer.

9. Click the Yes button if asked.

10. Wait for Windows 95/98 to restart. This may take a few minutes.

11. When Windows 95 restarts, you may be prompted for a password. If you want to enter one, do so at this time, otherwise do enter a password. Click the OK button.

12. If you are prompted to confirm the new password, enter it if you gave it one or if not just click OK.

13. Once the desktop screed is up, locate and double-click the My Computer icon on your desktop.

My Computer Desktop

14. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking icon.

My Computer Window

15. Double-click the Network Richmond icon.
If the Save password option is no longer unavailable, enter a checkmark in it (if desired). you must successfully connect to the Internet once with the checkmark box checked before the password will be saved.

16. If the Save password box is still not available, click the Cancel button. and minimize the Dial-Up Networking window.

17. Locate the Passwords icon in the Control Panel window. and click on it.

Control Panel Window

18. If you have one, click the User Profiles tab. Some versions of Windows 95/98 do not have this option.

19. Click Users can customize their preferences and desktop settings and click the OK button.

Password Properties Window

20. When asked, select Yes to let the computer restart. Wait for the computer to reboot.

21. When Windows 95 restarts, you may be prompted for a password. Enter the password you chose or just click on OK if you did not choose one.

22. If you are prompted to confirm the new password, type it and click OK.

23. Go to Start - Programs - Accessories - Dialup networking ( Start - Programs - Accessories - Communications - Dialup networking for Windows 98 users).

24. Double-click the Network Richmond icon and try to save password. If this does not work, you may have other problems with your system needing technical support.

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Windows NT

Finding Your IP Address:

Choose START - RUN - and type command on the run line.
At the "DOS" prompt type ipconfig. Look for the PPP or NDISWAN settings. One of these will be the IP address assigned to you by the dial-up server.

Dial-up Networking:


1. From the desktop, double-click My Computer. Double-click Dial-up Networking. If you receive a message stating The phonebook is empty. Press O.K. to add an entry, skip to the next section, Creating a Dial-up Networking Connection.

2. If the Dial-up Networking window opens with the phonebook list and the option to dial, proceed to the next section to create a new connection. Click Install. You will be prompted to enter the path to your NT 4.0 setup files(for example D:\i386) and click OK. Windows NT should now install the necessary files onto the hard drive.

3. The Add RAS Device window will appear to add this device to the Network configuration. If you see your modem listed in the RAS Capable Devices field with a port attached, click OK and proceed to the next step .

4. If you do not see a modem listed, then you will need to install a driver for your modem. You should be able to do this by going to the Add RAS Device window, and choosing the Install Modem button. This will start the Install New Modem wizard. You can let Windows NT try to detect you modem automatically (recommended) by clicking Next. If Windows NT detects your modem, then proceed through the wizard. If Windows NT is unable to detect your modem, you will then have the option to select your modem from a list or use a disk provided by the manufacturer. You may need to follow the directions in your modem's documentation. Modems installed on as Digi-board for use with Multilink connections should be installed after the digi-board is installed.

5. A window similar to the one below will appear. Highlight your modem and click the Configure button.

Remote Access Setup Window

6. Make sure Dial Out Only is selected and click OK.

7. Click the Network button and ensure that TCP/IP is the only box checked. Click OK if changes were made or Cancel if no changes were made.

Network Configuration Window

8. Click Continue in the Remote Access Setup window.

9. You will be prompted to reboot the computer before continuing.

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Configure Dial-up Networking

1. From the desktop, double-click My Computer.

2. Double-click Dial-up Networking. If you receive a message stating that The phonebook is empty..., then click OK to add a new entry. If Dial-up Networking (DUN) already has other phone book entries, click New.

3. When the New Phonebook Entry Wizard window appears, check the box labeled I know all about phonebook entries... and click Finish.

New Phonebook Entry Wizard

4. In the New Phonebook Entry dialog, select the Basic tab.

5. Check Use Telephony dialing properties and Uncheck Use another port if busy.

6. For Entry name, enter Network Richmond, and the access phone number of 804 - 474-1160.

7. Under Dial using, select your modem.

New Phonebook Entry Window

8. Click the Configure button.

9. Set the Initial speed (BPS) to 38,400 if you have a 28.8k modem, 57,600 for 33.6 modems and 115,000 for 56K modems

10. Make sure all three Hardware Features boxes are checked (if applicable) and that Disable modem speaker is not checked (unless you don't want to hear the modem dialing & connection answering). Click the OK button when completed.

Modem Configuration Window

11. Select the Server tab.

12. The Dial-up server type should be PPP: Windows NT, Windows 95 Plus, Internet. Under Network Protocols only TCP/IP should be checked.

13. Make sure Enable software compression is checked, but Enable PPP LCP extensions unchecked.

14. Click the TCP/IP settings button. Select Server assigned IP address and Server assigned name server addresses.

15. Leave the Primary WINS and Secondary WINS servers at

16. Check both Use IP header compression and Use default gateway on remote network.

New Phonebook Entry Window

17. Click the OK button.

18. Select the Script tab and make sure None is selected.

New Phonebook Entry Window

19. Select the Security tab. Choose Accept any authentication including clear text.

New Phonebook Entry Window

20. On the New Phonebook Entry window, click OK.

21.You will now be in the Dial-up Networking program, and the phone book entry you just created should be selected in the Phonebook entry to dial text box.

22. Click the Dial button.

Dial-Up Networking Window

23. A window will appear asking for a username, password, and domain. The first two are required. Do not enter anything for the Domain - Leave this entry blank or you will be unable to log in. There is also an option to Save Password, which can be selected if desired.

Connect To Window

24. Click OK to dial into the Internet.

25. Once you are connected, a window will appear informing you that you have successfully connected to the Dial-up Server. Click OK to close this window.

26. You are now connected and may use any internet software such as Internet Explorer 2.0 (installed with Windows NT).

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