Problems and Error Messages
not establish a compatible set of Network Protocols"
This is one of the most frequently displayed error messsages for dial-up
networking. There are several possible reasons for this error message.
The most frequent configuration problems are listed below. Check the Microsoft
Knowledge Base for more detailed information on this problem and how to
solve it in your unique situation.
Locate the My Computer icon on your Desktop. Double-click on
the My Computer icon.
2. A window similar to the one below will appear. Locate and Double-click
the Control Panel icon.
3. Locate and Double-click the Network icon.
4. When the Network window appears, ensure that you have at least the
Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up Adapter, and TCP/IP installed
and properly configured as indicated earlier on this site. If any protocols
are missing, add them. Also please search through the list for TCP/IP
being listed more than once. If you have a network card installed, you
may see an entry similar to "TCP/IP --> Network Card Name".
This means that TCP/IP is bound to the network card. An entry of "TCP/IP
--> Dialup Adapter" means that TCP/IP is installed to the dialup
adapter. If you have an entry of "NetBEUI --> Dialup Adapter"
or "IPX/SPX Compatible --> Dialup Adapter", highlight and
remove them. Under normal applications you do not want to bind IPX/SPX
or NetBEUI to the dialup adapter. This could certainly cause the error
message above.
is not receiving a response from the modem"
If using an external modem, make sure that your modem is turned on and
that your computer is connected to the line input jack on your modem.
If it is, verify the proper setup according to the instructions below.
Locate the My Computer icon on your Desktop. Double-click on the
My Computer icon.
2. Double-click the Dial-Up Networking folder.
3. Highlight the Network Richmond icon, using the mouse, right-click
and choose Properties..
4. When a window similar to the one below appears, click the Configure
button to bring up the modem properties.
5. Click the Connection tab at top and in the lower-right corner,
click the Advanced button.
6. Consult your modem document for the proper initialization string for
PPP or TCP/IP connections.
7. In the Extra settings field, type z, followed by the initialization
string from the manual. If you do not have your modem's users manual,
some of the common entries are ATZ, AT&F1 or AT&F.
You should exercise caution before making these changes.
8. Click the OK button to write the changes.
9. Click the OK button to exit the Modem properties window.
10. If your dialer now connects to the Internet, you should be able to
use your Internet applications. If
this does not work, you can check the modem using the Microsoft Hyperterminal
program and the directions below to verify that the modem is working.
You can also call our technical service department at 804-672-8000 for
on-site assistance. Your modem may have been damaged or your system software
corrupted. Our on-site engineers are available at reasonable rates to
assist with these problems.
11. Click the Start button, select Programs, then Accessories.
Windows 98 users will use Start, Programs, Accessories,
Communications, and then Hyperterminal
Click the Hyperterminal icon.
For Name, use Internet Test as indicated below.
14. Click the OK button to enter Hyperterminal.
Enter any number you would like to call, or your own number as a test
just to see if the modem will dial.
16. Click the OK button and then the Dial button.
17. If your modem does not dial, the modem is not working properly. If
it does dial, there is most likely a configuration problem with Dial-Up
Networking and you should call NetworkRichmond.Com Technical Support at
804-672-8000 to check your configuration or to request an on-site engineer
visit .